Riders of the Dead (novel) by Dan Abnett
Grimblades (novel) by Nick Kyme
Warrior Priest (novel) by Darius Hinks
Swords of the Empire (anthology) by Various Authors
The Vampire Hunters (short story) by Robert Earl
Meat Wagon (short story) by C L Werner
The Case of the Scarlet Cell (short story) by Gordon Rennie
Rest for the Wicked (short story) by James Wallis
The Nagenhof Bell (short story) by Jonathan Green
Swords of the Empire (short story) by Dan Abnett
Shyi-Zar (short story) by Dan Abnett
As Dead As Flesh (short story) by Nick Kyme
Dead Mans Hand (short story) by Nick Kyme
Sanctity (short story) by Nick Kyme
The Miracle of Berlau (short story) by Darius Hinks
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