Welcome, students! I’m Dr. Ramos and you’re just in time! We’ve uncovered 10 dig sites of ancient board games and we need you to figure out how they were played. Just one problem. . . the centuries have not been kind to the rulebooks, you’re going to have to work together to infer the rules based on each game’s symbology and your intuition. I hope you’ve been attending board game night regularly.
Each dig site will grant you a specific set of components to piece together a working ruleset and when you’re done, you’ll have a fully functional game. Don’t worry, I’ll be there to provide hints if need be since I’ll also have a working theory of how the game probably works.
Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s put your symbology sleuthing to the test and get these ancient games UNBOXED!
- Ages: 12+
- Players: 1-4
- Game Length: 30 minutes
- 24 A-Deck Cards
- 36 B-Deck Cards
- 3 C-Deck Cards
- 12 D-Deck Cards
- 16 E-Deck Cards
- 7 Reference Cards
- 32 Wooden Discs
- 1 Booklet
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