I know what you’re thinking: What could possibly make the Epic Spell Wars: Annihilageddon deck-building games better? Death? Carnage? (There’s tons!) Weird and wacky, foul and filthy, totally disgusting NONSENSE… IT’S JAM-PACKED WITH THAT STUFF. No, the ingredient Cryptozoic was missing was SATAN and now he’s here. Are you ready?
One evil player will be the PRINCE OF DARKNESS and use a totally custom SATAN deck, draft SATAN cards, and generally be SUPER POWERFUL/EVIL! Can you beat Satan while beating off the other Wizards??!? Or will the Wizards work together and tag-team the LORD OF LIES!?!
Don’t worry: The Wizards got a little juice too. Ten new oversized Wizards each with a Familiar AND a SPELLBOOK. That’s right: Each Wizard has a new type of card . . .the SPELLBOOK. Oh baby, you’re so powerful . . . the crazy Familiar and Spellbook combos are out of this world! Seriously, buy the game. It’s not like it will cost you . . . YOUR SOUL?!?
Standalone game, and compatible with other games in Epic Spell Wars: Annihilageddon series.
- Ages: 17
- Players: 2-5
- Game Length: 60+ Minutes
This game can be played on its own or combined with Epic Spell Wars: Annihilageddon sets for enhanced play.
- 332 Deck-building Cards
- 81 Tarot-sized Satan Cards
- 10 Oversized Wizard Cards
- 1 Oversized Satan Card
- 42 Dead Wizard Tokens
- 10 Damned Wizard Tokens
- 5 Hit Point Tokens
- 1 Satan Hit Point Token
- 4 Hot Hot Goo Tiles
- 40 Penta-Coins
- 20 Beelze-Butthole Tiles
- 1 Satan’s Salute Standee
- Deck, Bag, and Pool Building
- Roles with Asymmetric Information
- Semi-Cooperative Game
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