Spin some tales and dig some graves in this ghoulish storytelling game!
Welcome to Creepshow, a wicked story-building card game where players become Creeps and weave twisted tales of dastardly deviants meeting well-earned demises. You’ll need strategy and cunning for this story-rich card game, and to know when to push your luck because deception could be waiting at every turn.
Creeps create chains of story cards and secretly fill them with Suspense. At key moments in the story, when tension is highest, Creeps can bet on the amount of Suspense to score big. But beware of other Creeps sabotaging the story, you just may lose your head!
- Ages: 14
- Players: 2-5
- Game Length: 40-60 Minutes
- Betting and Bluffing
- Narrative Choice / Paragraph
- Push Your Luck
- Storytelling
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